Discuss Romans 1 Page 29

  • Ron Fair on Romans 1:21 - 10 years ago
    In Romans 1 we see the path that men take to the point of no longer considering Gods place in their lives. here in the fall begins, and the final outcome is total loss of the knowledge of right and wrong.
  • Ang on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    I don 't understand why people can 't see that it 's also reitereated in the NT that homosexuality is a sin, actually it may even be a judgment considering God GAVE THEM UP and turned them over to a reprobate mind. People need to wake up
  • Cleora Fritz on Romans 1:22 - 10 years ago
    I agree with the comment above, people in high places especially, ignoring the teaching of the Bible and placing themselves as a higher authority think themselves wise, as God states are become fools.
  • Vera neal on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    Christ died to redeem us from the curse of the law.after his death we were no longer under the law. When we receive Christ as our personal savior we are led by the spirit only.we can not communicate with God in the flesh.
  • Vera neal on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    Christ died to redeem us from the curse of the law.after his death we were no longer under the law. When we receive Christ as our personal savior we are led by the spirit only.we can not communicate with God in the flesh.
  • Deborah Hylton on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    Jesus is to be honoured and glorified.I did not come across these verses in romans,but when i did i had to share these verses with alot of young persons.
  • Jeri Chaney on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    My Lord is Jesus. I have been saved and born again in the Spirit. I have been revealed the truth. I will remain faithful. He is my protector. He will come quickly and ever knee will bow. We don 't have much time left. I have the mark of God. In God "I " trust! Forever and ever Amen!
  • Ray Turner on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    Invisible things are seen throughout nature. There are "hidden messages " in the patterns formed by biological molecules. These messages prove God as Creator. My final research on biomatrixgenesis was performed at MIT. It could never be published because of Romans 1. Most scientists believe that theology is mythology.
  • Robert on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    It seems that we all have taken Gods law into our own hands. Let Jesus Judge man, we should just obey his commandments and Love our fellow man at what ever stage in life he or she is at. One thing the Holy Spirit taught me is that it is He that brings Gods words to life. Don 't just read the words, study them.
  • Tom Howe on Romans 1:22 - 10 years ago
    Science is the god of many people nowadays. They come to many false conclusions and assumptions based on arrogance and pride. They interpret the evidence to they bias. Every new generation think it 's smarter than the last. We depend too much on technology and have forgotten how to think and feel.
  • Adeoye bukola on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    for the preaching of the cross is to those that are perish foolishness but unto us that are saved is the power of God... brenthren, people of gentiles sent by the spirit of jezebel sent into our fellowship congregation nowaday to luk around of the success of the saint...so watch out they are in our midst!
  • Sister Terri Gutter on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    It is sad that most preachers do not preachon homosexual behavior im not saying it is not used to fulfill the scripture and we know there is a time and season for all thing but now that the season has past let preach on stopping this war because it is not alright with God
  • Toni on Romans 1:20 - 10 years ago
    So the Big Bang theorists say that basically, this magnificent universe just popped into existience by some cosmic explosion. Tell me the last time a car, a house, an airplane or a TV, just over time, just popped into being? No, somebody 's hands created them. It 's as foolish as saying the world and all if its intricate details, inlcuding us,came about by a cosmic explosion. We are without excuse. Those who choose to believe a lie will have to suffer the eternal consequence.
  • Moses kariuki gachiri on Romans 1:16 - 10 years ago
    is true,because without gospel of Jesus, no salvatoin
  • Clinton callaway on Romans 1:28 - 10 years ago
    "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge ", These are men who know there is a creator and know in their heart God will judge their sin, Choose their sin and darkness instead of being convicted they are head strong in their wickness and choose Hell and God 's judgement without wanting to be made righteous unto him. Therefore God gives up on them as lost and allows them their life to do what they please until the time when those sins will be judged according ,to truth, and their wickness will be righteously put away with the Devil and his Angels. "God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient " The Reprobate mind is a mind that is vile and evil. It is the mind of Satan. Jesus said John 8 44 45 "44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own for he is a liar, and the father of it. "
  • Alwyn Charles on Romans 1:27 - 10 years ago
    The Bible is the Authoritative word of God. For all those that know everything but really know nothing. There is a day of Judgement.
  • Bible Boy on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    Jesus said Judge not lest ye be judged
  • Debbie on Romans 1:1 - 10 years ago
    With God s approval Paul preached the Gospel
  • Lester carter on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    This chapter is a classic it actually spans from Genesis down to Revelation it speaks about the devolution and not the evolution of man gives also the simple reason for mankind becoming increasingly evil and the solution
  • Church Girl on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    This is about ALL things that do not line up with the will of God All unrighteousness including men and women going against the natural use of their bodies Everything that is listed in Romans is as it is today Homosexuality is a demonic spirit and the only thing that can cleanse a person from it is the Holy Spirit Once you have the Holy Spirit in you you long and thirst to be righteous
  • Tony on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    This is not about Homosexuality because homosexuality is a symptom to the problem It s about a people that know God exists by the very fact of creation and don t recognize the Creator What happens is God then gives them over to their sinfulness and they become worse A sense of judgement if you will God abandons them a community and even a nation
  • Darrell on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    I do not know what God likes or dislikes I wish I did know for sure as it would be a great comfort All we really have is our own and other peoples perceptions which always leads to rebellion and arguments Judgmental nasty Christians whom provoke sinners by finger pointing as Adam and Eve did in the garden Now Christians are pointing at homosexuals as the cause of all the immorality in the world so naturally homosexuals ban together for protection and power just like every group does when they are being viciously attacked Islam is no different either Kill the infidels and idolaters have you been to Dubai lately Start cleaning up your own idolatry then you can give me instructions Actually the bible points this out very clearly but Christians fail to see that which is probably why God said at some point people will think they are doing God a service by killing off people they do not think He likes
  • Charlene on Romans 1:27 - 10 years ago
    I believe in the holy spirit we walk by faith not by sight God word is god word and u can t change that The holy bible is real He has all the power not mankind At the end u will be rewarded It s all about god P
  • Bruce on Romans 1:27 - 10 years ago
    THE WORD OF GOD has proven itself to the fullest What we see happening is clearly written in the Bible When we say that the gay life is an abomination according to the word of God we find so many people trying to justify the life style by saying the Bible isn t real or we have people that try to understand it from a carnal non believers mind It s sad but true that theses things must come to pass as the Bible said they would GAY LIFE STYLES GOES AGAINST the creative act that God put in place We need more true born again believers to stand up and say yes I am intolerant to anything that will cause you to go to hell It s our Job to cry loud and spare not God s word has been here long before we have and it has not lost it s power when lived according to our faith Yes all sin is sin on the other hand Men having sex with other men leaving the natural use of the woman which God created is a out right ABOMINATION
  • HMB on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    I believe this chapter is taking about Trinidad and Tobago at this time in our history They ve forgotten The Lord They stopped saying one nation under God took prayer out of school made praying offensive He allowed us to be taken over by our own mess Now homosexuality is is a topic for our lawmakers Murder abortion sexual assault on our children as well as adults and things like this are at an all time high If the true believers would gear up and get to spiritual warfare this can and will stop We re to busy attacking the people instead of attacking the spirit that has the person in bondage I know NOW that help has come Almighty God and His precepts are our only hope We here in Trinidad and Tobago are praying for our nation and the nations of the earth I send out a high note of praise to Almighty God through Jesus Christ His sonfor the nations of the earth God bless us all
  • Ms.Smith on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    I believe this chapter is taking about America They ve forgotten The Lord They stopped saying one nation under God took prayer out of school made praying offensive He allowed us to be taken over by our own mess Now homosexuality is on a rampage Murder abortion sexual assault and things like this are at an all time high If the true believers would gear up and get to spiritual warfare this can and will stop Were to busy attacking the people instead of attacking the spirit that has the person in bondage HELP LORD
  • Ephraim on Romans 1:27 - 10 years ago
    God made man and women for procreation the question is can marriage of man and man fullfil this purpose Let us not deceive ourselves this union negates the natural purpose of creation It is nothing than sodomy and fragrant abuse of nature take it or reject at your own peril
  • Paul on Romans 1:1 - 10 years ago
    It does not matter what I think about this or any other verse in the bible The question should be What does God think about it
  • Sophie on Romans 1 - 10 years ago
    It is clear that God does not like homosexuality It is worshiping the creation and trying to say it is ok That is not how he intended things to be For a homo to say that he is a Christian and not believe what is clearly written is blasphemy God created woman for man and to think it is ok to live in sin as a Christian is trying to say you are God If you want to be gay fine Just don t tell me you are a Christian and at the same time say homosexuality it not a sin That is an oxymoron It is Even in a gay relationship there is a male and female role One is more submissive than the other
  • Billy F on Romans 1:21 - 10 years ago
    I think we in a last day even Christian had those heart be fool by the anti Christ spirit which we in today pray and study deep for your self and learn many being fool today not knowing you being fool today I be praying hard for you and many to be rapture ready before it too late

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