Discuss Romans 1 Page 33

  • Emi on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    God is not man. And his supremacy supersedes all. And he alone can change our situations, we can’t change him. God is awesome.
  • Jay on Mark 14 - 12 years ago
    On verse 70- fear is the first reason why most people lie, but I am not so sure that fear was the main motivating factor for Peter.
    1. Peter is the one who drew his sword and cut off the servant’s ear in Gethsemane ( John 18:10);
    2. Peter and the other apostles did not really understand Jesus as saviour, but was trying to assist Jesus in bringing in the kingdom of heaven where he will be king;
    3. They did not comprehend the kingdom of God (church age), 1 Peter 1:10-12;
    4. So when Jesus was arrested all the apostles abandoned him, except John (type of the church) and went back to fishing;
    5. The reason I believe Peter denied Jesus when approached, was shame and confusion on what was really happening, but Jesus was able to help get Peter back on track in John 21:15-17, Romans 1:16.
  • Emmanuel kojo owusu on Romans 1:6 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is coming soon.
  • Jay on Mark 12 - 12 years ago
    @Bethany and Bill,
    On verse 29, the 3 distinct persons of the godhead ( Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20, Colossians 2:9) do always act as one in unison, they never act separate from the other persons in the godhead. 3 in 1 person ( I John 5:7-8).
  • Jacinta on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    Paul clearly shows us how Christ through flesh, came out of the seed of David, and through power, was declared to be son of GOD.
  • Williams on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    A look at the salutation of Apostle Paul, it reveals some things that are worthy of acceptance- and so also are the contents of this exemplary book, the book of Romans. It is on record that initially Paul was a persecutor of the early Church, and then he had a remarkable encounter with the LORD Jesus Christ, on the way to Damascus, and upon which he was blinded and then got his sight back when he did what the LORD instructed him. In the process of these happenings, Paul, mysteriously, perhaps because of his level of knowledge and understanding of Judaism, must have been very surprised about that encounter that He had with Jesus Christ, and then he perhaps, as led through the Holy Spirit, went into hidden, as to really search out and decode the counsel of the LORD, in a way he must have it a bit difficult as to, how Jesus of Nazareth can be the Christ of God. And then afterwards, in solitude, while in Arabia, after all manner of encounters with the Word of God and with the Holy Spirit, he then went back to Jerusalem, and upon getting there, they did not want to accept him. But when they heard about his testimony and the degree of revelations that were proceeding from him, they prayerfully as led, got him into their fellowship. In the process of that, the Holy Spirit made a demand on that meeting of the early disciples, that Paul and Barnabas be separated unto the Holy Spirit for the assignment that He has for them. The import of this rests powerfully and greatly on the unity of the faith. Are there not many in the Body of Christ who are into PhDs in this or that, and yet there are callings and election for them! And until they truly separate themselves, to get into great fellowship with the Holy Spirit and with God's Word, such encounters they are meant to contact won't happen. This first chapter of the book of Romans, is a reflection of the truthfulness of the Gospel, and hence guides the saints of different ages and generation towards recognizing that the mannerism of pleasing the LORD is only through the weaponry of faith ( Romans 1:16.17). And that is because, the Gospel of Christ is both the wisdom and also the power of God, unto salvation for the Jew first; where Christ came from, and also for the Greek; and that refers to the entire world. For, in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith for it is written; the just shall live by faith. The book of Romans, is such a powerful book that demands great and concentrated attention. The stuff calls for discernment, they are such that demand ministry gifts in the Church, with real reliance on the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit, to dispense and administer in true righteousness.
  • Enoch Gyas on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    May GOD grant us the grace to overcome sin, for it is the bend of true Christianity and the consequence is death as Apostle Paul rightly and bluntly put it.
  • Williams on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    A look at the salutation of Apostle Paul, reveals some things that are worthy of acceptance- and so also are the contents of this exemplary book, the book of Romans. It is on record that initially Paul was a persecutor of the early Church, and then he had a remarkable encounter with the LORD Jesus Christ, on the way to Damascus, and upon which he was blinded and then got his sight back when he did what the LORD instructed him. In the process of these happenings, Paul, mysteriously, perhaps because of his level of knowledge and understanding of Judaism, must have been very surprised about that encounter that He had with Jesus Christ, and then he perhaps, as led through the Holy Spirit, went into hidden, as to really search out and decode the counsel of the LORD, in a way he must have it a bit difficult as to, how Jesus of Nazareth can be the Christ of God. And then afterwards, in solitude, while in Arabia, after all manner of encounters with the Word of God and with the Holy Spirit, he then went back to Jerusalem, and upon getting there, they did not want to accept him. But when they heard about his testimony and the degree of revelations that were proceeding from Him, they prayerfully as led, got him into their fellowship. In the process of that, the Holy Spirit made a demand on that meeting of the early disciples, that Paul and Barnabas be separated unto the Holy Spirit for the assignment that He has for them. The import of this rests powerfully and greatly on the unity of the faith. Are there not many in the Body of Christ who are into Phds in this or that, and yet there are callings and election for them! And until they truly separate themselves, to get into great fellowship with the Holy Spirit and with God's Word, such encounters they are meant to contact won't happen. This first chapter of the book of Romans, is a reflection of the truthfulness of the Gospel, and hence guides the saints of different ages and generation towards recognizing that the mannerism of pleasing the LORD is only through the weaponry of faith ( Romans 1:16.17). And that is because, the Gospel of Christ is both the wisdom and also the power of God, unto salvation for the Jew first; where Christ came from, and also for the Greek; and that refers to the entire world. For, in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith for it is written; the just shall live by faith. The book of Romans, is such a powerful book that demands great and concentrated attention. The stuff calls for discernment, they are such that demands ministry gifts in the Church, with real reliance on the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit, to dispense and administer in true righteousness.
  • R. Sanchez on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    It has been said that God loves the sinner but not the sin; can he love these that live without natural affection, the ones that burn in the lusts women against women, men against women and men? The ones that adopt children only to feel that they're a complete family and make a mockery of the natural family unit which God design from the beginning? The ones that by their ungodly actions confuse children's minds to make them think lesbians and homosexuals can reproduce? It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
  • Ericonda Amadi on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    Some men (pastors, preachers, bishops, etc) hold the Word of God in unrighteousness. They are actually called of God but the things of the world (wealth, fame, economy, etc) have overtaken the calling of the Lord in them.
  • Lilian on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    Oh! This is really terrifying that we turn away from God and His commandments and choose for ourselves to worship the creature than the creator. How many of us today obey the roman invented Sabbath which is the first day of the week than the real Sabbath of the Lord the seventh day of the week? Isn't that worshiping the creature? FOOD FOR THOUGHT!
  • Louise jones on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    I think that God chose Paul to be an apostle to preach the word of God.
  • Sybil on Romans 1:26 - 12 years ago
    Because of the lust and evil God saw in ungrateful men, he left them without conscience so that they can live in their own lust and satisfy their flesh! God saw this wickedness in mankind and a deceitful heart that is not ready to change, forgive or obey him! He regretted and left them without heart!
  • Ed on Romans 1:27 - 12 years ago
    It is what is evil is! And, again God, our creator, because it was Adam and Eve; God made a woman out of Adam’s rib, He never made another man out of it.
  • Clinton alexander on Romans 1:16 - 12 years ago
    Let us know that the Gospel is the power of God that giveth salvation to believers ONLY, it is a sorrowful message that if we do not believe in him, and the salvation will not be ours. SO friends, let us give ourselves to God in order to be saved. AMEN!!!
  • Clint on 1 Corinthians 6 - 12 years ago
    Deniece, effeminate does talk about gays, the way they talk and act like women. If you read Romans 1:26.27 you’ll find another place where God condemns homosexual sin! You either believe God’s Word or you don’t, that’s everyone’s dilemma!
  • Clint on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    Corky, if you want to continue living in sin and unrighteousness you will face God’s wrath and anger. If you want to live a life of obedience and righteousness for God, you will find His unconditional love and mercy. So, the choice is yours!
  • Sprianoh Mpango on Hebrews 11 - 12 years ago
    Yes! Glory be to our God, the savior for his unmerited favor (Grace) to give to everyone who seeks Him, faith through our Lord Jesus Christ, for the righteous shall live by faith Romans 1:17.
  • Randy on Romans 1:18 - 12 years ago
    One must read John 3 over and over "men hates the light" neither come to the light" why? Because they love darkness, there’s none that seeketh after God, man has no desire for real truth, man doesn't want to give up his "pleasure of sin" men desire is towards sin and it's pleasure. Look at angels tell Lot to leave Sodom knowing its doom, the scriptures say "he lingered". Remember his wife looked back. A perfect picture of man when presented with gospel of grace, man will, lingered or look back. Before, Lot was in Sodom when he separated from Abraham. The scripture says he "pitch his tent towards Sodom”. Again man’s heart loves the world and it's deceiving pleasures. Remember all scripture is given for doctrine, reproof and correction, but to whom? Not to sinner but to the man of God, so that he can walk upright. All scripture is given so that we look at those examples. Men "knew Him not" they think they know Him but their heart is far from Him.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    Jesus warned as it was in the day of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of man returns. Violence filled the Earth in Noah's days, and we are witness to that today. Jesus also said as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be when the Son of man returns. The built, the planted, and the married in lot's day. The main thing was sexual perversion with homosexuality. The Lord told us to remember Lot's wife. The Angels told Lot, and his wife not to look back. Lot's wife disobeyed the command, and turned into a pillar of salt. We must go forward in the Lord, and not look back. Everything that God has in store for us is ahead of us, and not backward. The Lord wants us to be holy in all our conversations, and our manor of life. As we live holy lives, God will advance the time when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to take His bride out of this world to the marriage supper of the Lamb in heaven. Let us not be ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation. Warn those who are living contrary to the Word of God, and pull some from the fire. Go into the highways and the byways to preach the gospel to them. If they will not accept Jesus as their personal Savior, shake the dust off your feet, and it will be a witness against them in the day of judgment.
  • Delia on Romans 1:27 - 12 years ago
    There is a reward for good and for evil. What is received is based upon what is put out. Good for good and evil for evil. The sad thing is that in our modern minds, it is okay to have unnatural affections for the same sex. It is now celebrated on our televisions.
  • Biodun Williams on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    This epistle of Paul the aspostle, is a great and distinct pointer to the eternal faithfulness of God; for it reveals the mannerism of God,with reference to His saving grace. If God can save, rescue , deliver, and also train and disciple Paul, then He can do it for whosoever craves and thirsts for His righteousness. It is really, a writing that also shows gratitudes to the person of Jesus Christ as the person that saved him- and sent him on this task of preaching the Gospe. Thus, Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation for those who believes, for Jew first and also for the Greek, for in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, for it is written the just shall live, believe, and honour the Most High God through the God kind of faith- and that is only possible through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Therefore, we are already justified, as Christians- however, there are terms and conditions ,in the Holy writ that we must put in place and honour, so that God can fulfill His part of the covenant. Thus, justification is only by faith- and that is highly significant. In other words, it is worthy of note( Romans 1;16,17) Hence,the things of the Holy Spirit are for whosoever believes.( John 3;16). Interestingly,God will not and does not impose Himself on any, and that is simply because He is a God of love. Therefore, what He says in the day of the Bible,is what He is saying to the Church today. The truth of this is that, this opening epistle, is such a great writing- therefore, to an extent it is meant to lay the foundation for the other. Also, like in all his writings, it reveals that grace and peace that comes from God through Jesus Christ are hidden on it. He of course did these, because of His dependency on the Holy Spirit. And hence, it reminds whosoever desires the things of God,and that also likes to be used for His glory to love and trust God because He is forever trustworthy. It also has warning against all forms of unrighteousness and that includes idolatary. It must be mentioned that Paul did a great job, in this Romans 1, even though it is full of substance meant for grown up Christian, yet someone who has just been born again,can read and learn from it, particularly, the plain truths of it and also with reflections upon reflections, the truths inherent in it would be revealed. And that is one of the beauties of the Holy Writ. It is infallible- and the immutability of the Divine God are there, punctuated with mercies, kindness, graces upon graces, and also peace like a river- however it is only for whosoever believes.Therefore there is the need to trust and honour the Holy Writ, for there is no other way to it but to chiefly trust and honour divine dictates.
  • Biodun Williams on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    This epistle of Paul the aspostle, is a great and distinct pointer to the eternal faithfulness of God; for it reveals the mannerism of God,with reference to His saving grace. If God can save, rescue , deliver, and also train and disciple Paul, then He can do it for whosoever crave and thirst for His righteousness. It is really, a writing that , also shows graitude to the Person of Jesus Christ as the person that saved him- and sent him on this task of preaching the Gospel, ; for it is the power of God unto salvation for those who believes,for Jew First and also for the Greek, for in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, for it is written the just shall live, believe, and honour the Most High God through the God kind of faith- and that is only posible through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Therefore, we are already justified, as Christians- however, there are terms and conditions ,in the Holy writ that we must put in place and honour, so that God can fulfill His part of the covenant. Thus, justification is nly by faith- and that is highly significant. In other words it is worthy of note( Romans 1;16,17) Hence,the things of the Holy Spirit is for, whosoever believes. John 3;16. Interestingly,God will not and does not impose Himself on any, and that is simply because He is a God of love. Therefore, what He says,in the day of the Bible,is what He is saying to the Church today. The truth of this is that, this opeining epistle, is such a great writing- therefore, to an extent it is meant to lay the foundation for the other. Also, like in all his writings, it reveals that grace and peace that comes from God through Jesus Christ are hiiden on it. He of course did these, becaus of His dependency on the Holy Spirit. And hence, it reminds whosoever desires the things of God,and that also likes to be used for His glory to love and trust God because He is foreever trustworthy. It also has warning against all forms of unrighteousness and that includes idolary. It msut be mentioned that Paul did a great job, in this Romans 1, even though it full of substance meant for grown up Christian, yet someone who has just been born again,can read and learn from it, particularly,the plain truth of it and also with reclections upon reflections, the truths inherent in it would be revealed. And that is one of the beauties of the Holy Writ. It is infallible and the immutability of the Divine God are there, punctuated with mercies, kindness, graces upon craces and also peace like a river- however it is only for whosoever believes.
  • Corky Duke on Romans 1:18 - 12 years ago
    A god with this much wrath and anger is NOT a god of unconditional love!!!
  • CRYSTAL on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    Every book in the bible as message concerning the last days. These words certaintly ring true to a message of the last days to me. THANK YOU
  • Albright Olajide on Hebrews 4 - 12 years ago
    The Holy Scripture has all manner of dictates, precepts, notions and principles in it that has been given for whosoever believeth. As a matter of fact, God has no choice to do it like that, because, primarily He is the Creator of the Heaven and the earth- and also He created man in His image. Hence, when a person has given his or her life to Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour, it then connotes that such a person has become not only joint heirs with the LORD, but also that he or she is an agent of righteousness on this planet earth to the glory of he Holy and righteous God.
    Hence, the writer of Hebrews in it’s 4th chapter, the reminds the Church of God’s holy promises that are, in His covenant that we ensure that we live in accordance with the Word of the Eternal God. Why is this? It is that we can have what it takes to enter into the blessings of His promises; for therein, there is peace of mind and the type of rest that God has given for they that loveth Him.

    However, this of a necessity demands the God kind of faith with particular regards to the doctrine of justification through the weaponry of faith. ( Romans 1:16,17)There are many implications to this- it then signifies that as believers, that believes, in the resurrected LORD, we must put our dependency on the living God, through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the holy Son of God. And that is because, as the author and also the developer of our faith, He knows and understands what we may be going through; for He Himself, has been through it, hence the need for, total reliance on the faithfulness of God, and also on the infallibility of the Holy Scripture.Therefore, when we come to the throne of grace, we know with certainty, that we have a high priest in the God Head, who is ready and as a matter of fact has dispensed and made available His favours that we may obtain it through the tool of faith that honours God. Thus we have been admonished through this 4th chapter, that we may do according to the spirit of the Holy Writ, to the glory of God; for He is forever trustworthy.
  • Malinda alfotd on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    A great book to read romans
  • Wondering on Romans 1:27 - 12 years ago
    "and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet". Is this a reference to aids ?
  • Samuel Lang on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    The word "unto" in Romans 1:16 is an old English word of antiquity and it means "to continue doing something until what you want occurs." The Old Testament often times refer to the Lord as our Salvation. II Corinthians 3:17 tell us that "The Lord is that Spirit." This means the Spirit is the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Therefore in Romans 1:16 the gospel of Christ is the power of God until "salvation" comes which is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Romans 10:10 uses the word unto also, but we know again that salvation refers to the coming of the Lord which is the HOLY GHOST (Note Psalms 27:1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation.) Righteousness as stated in Romans 14:17 comes only with the Holy Ghost.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    This passage warns those who are not thankful for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,that they will be given a reprobate mind. They will do things that are not normal, such as men will leave the use of women, and burn in lust toward other men.
    Women will leave the use of men, and burn in lust toward other women. Lev. 18 warned that this activity is an abomination to God. Marriage between a man, and a women is what God has designed for mankind. When man fails to accept the grace of God through Jesus Christ, then judgement will follow. Yet God is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. We have to call sin what it is and realize that we all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God. When we change our mind about Jesus, and accept him as our Savior we are saved from the wrath to come. God can heal you from this S.S.A.D(Same Sex Attraction Disorder)
    Then God will restore the normal relationship between a man, and a woman. Our prayer is for anyone who hears the word of God, is that they receive it with joy, and gratitude. God will save them from being given over to this reprobate mind. Paul said I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe. To the Jew first, and then also to the Gentile.

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