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In genetics both parents provide DNA,but the BLOOD only comes from the FATHER.
14 generations all.
Matthew was not a Jew, so he would not have understood as the other listed genealogies go through the other line to Mary, although ironically, Matthrwwas a physician.
God the Father, and through His Son Yeshua , the Word made flesh.
Worthy to be Praised!
My honor & privilege to quicken you all in HIM!
All, including the Bible itself, say that Jesus was a direct descendant of David; however, Joseph was the direct descendant of David and Jesus was and is the Son of God (due to the Holy Spirit).
Therefore, one would have to consider Joseph to be but the stepfather of Jesus. And that, of course, would mean that Jesus was not the direct descendant of David.
I love my Jesus, and I love my Bibles. But something is not correct, here.
I do love this app and use it almost daily!
1 Peter 2:11-12
I know it's ok to eat meat but when it becomes gluttony, it's not a good witness. Write these in pencil back of your Bible
you may pls help with scripture references.
God is not destroying people's lives. One of satans other names is: DESTROYER. And he is the ACCUSER of the brethern. Revelation 12:10, Job 1:6,12 and Zechariah 3:1
Part of our problem is that we do not trust God. We think he does all the painful things. Like why is he allowing satan to get near us? Hear that accusatory question? Or, why doesn't Jesus just heal everybody? Why does bad things happen to good people?
There is the WILL of God. God gave free will to mankind in the garden of Eden. Satan has a will too. He's not going to do anything good with it. Read Job 1. He's defeated. Intercede for loved ones.
So there is a missing generation?
Any thoughts on this?
Who is the missing generator?
I have an answer that satisfies me....but what say you?
Neil, in Canada
Reminding us anew God will see us through No one day can express His Love so freely given so daily we must choose the Gift we cannot lose Remember in Unity we share a Hope beyond Compare Sent to Set us Free and give us Liberty
The Gift of God has Come so that in His Son
we all are One We seek each Christmas to know a Love that wont let us go and to show far and wide the Love in which Jesus resides a Love we cant hide.