King James Version (KJV)

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even if we walk in/near death we should not fear because GOD promises to be with us (that trust in HIM) Deuteronomy 31:8, Hebrews 13:5-6, John 14:16-21, Psalm 139:1-24, Psalms 37:40,
The rod; Proverbs 13:24, Job 21:9, Proverbs 29:15, Lamentations 3:1, many times references discipline, correction: Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:14, Proverbs 3:12, Hebrews 12:4-8-11, Staff: Hebrews 11:21, Zechariah 8:4, Exodus 21:19, Numbers 22:27, 2 Samuel 3:29, Judges 6:21
Hopefully these scriptures help you with the HOLY Spirit to understand deeper. John 14:26, James 1:5
Mark 13:13
John 14:26
1 John 2:27, 1 John 2,
Some of us have to pray for understanding
Hoping to put together some more paragraphs with at least a few scriptures on baptism and related within a few days.
Acts 16:15 in context Acts 16:14-15
Acts 18:8
1 Corinthians 3:3
John 13:35
Hebrews 10:25
James 1:27
Please note the scriptures I've listed & pray about what I'm about to say. I once witnessed 2 children who asked to be baptized by the Lead Pastor, they were skipped over, another Pastor replaced the old one & once again those 2 children a boy & a girl asked to be baptized. That Pastor also asked them questions on the Bible, doctrine, taught them a special class, privately then decided not to Baptize them. In a short time other youths were baptized & they were skipped over again. I watched as those two children served in the church, many days & even during the celebration of the others getting baptized. Whom was more like Christ? Later those 2 children were baptized without classes & with people who barely knew them. Please pray for wisdom.
Matthew 19:14
If you judge to strictly remember :
Matthew 7:2 , Matthew 7:1-5
Why is beautiful sister, English Sacha leaving?
And caused Mary a virgin to conceive
And he was to be called Jesus
Jesus came thru the tribe of Judah
The order of Melchizedek
Who was Melchizedek
He had no father or mother and was a king and a priest and Abraham even tithed to him
He had no beginning or end
The only one who fits that description is Jesus
Just my thought
But the Holy Spirit caused Mary to conceive
God the father did the son and god the holy spiritual are one and the same
Jesus refers to god the father
So possible that Jesus did not share and genes with Mary and definitely not Joseph
How could Mary give birth to a son if all women have xx genes and men xy genes
The male determines sex of the child
If he gives x gene it's a girl
If he gives y gene it's a boy
So how could Mary give birth to a boy
Both Mary and Joseph were of the tribe Judah
Am I questioning god
I am a Christian
Mary was very special
Yes she was a virgin
Yes she gave birth to Jesus
Jesus came to earth as gif in the body of a human
Fully god and fully man
And came from heaven so he knew heaven like none other
John 1 and verse 1
I'm in beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god
I use only King James Version of Bible
Other versions change words and words change meaning
So Jesus Is god
Only after birth of Jesus did Mary and
Joseph have children
So in one way that makes them half brothers
But again maybe they did not share any genes
Remember I am just thinking
My ignorance is much greater than my knowledge
I believe the king James of Bible is inerrant
Please just take my words with a grain of salt
Jesus was the only perfect one to walk the face of the earth
Sacrificed himself for our sins
The truth remains simple
Jesus sacrificed himself
For our sins
We are all sinners and in need of salvation
We all must know that
Ask Jesus/god
For forgiveness and repent of our sins
Ask for that free gift if salvation
He will and doeS
I've been away for a while so I'm not sure if you're responding to someone or you are asking this question for yourself? Either way, what leads me to believe that James is the half-brother of Jesus is that after Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph had other children. We know that Jesus had four half-brothers, James, Joses, Simon, and Judas (Jude), and at least two half-sisters.
Paul says in Galatians 1:19, "But other of the apostles I didn't see, except for James the Lord's brother." This would be the Lord's half-brother, also the author of the book of James. What would make James the Lord's half-brother is that they shared the same mother, but different fathers.
Is death predestined? This is hard to prove with Bible verses, but my personal belief is sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. This is a fallen world and we are all immortal and are cursed to die, thanks to Adam and Eve disobeying God and committing the original sin. Satan may also have power to afflict us physically. Job 2:7.
So, we will all die, but we don't know the timing. We tend to get really upset and blame God for His timing being different than our arbitrary expectations. A beautiful child can even be in paradise, but we will sometimes be furious against God for having him there instead of in an environment on earth full of temptation and evil.
God's priorities are not our priorities on earth. He never promised we'd have a long life and be healthy and wealthy. We might hear man say that on TV, but that doesn't mean it's true. We also get frustrated we don't know why and keep asking why, why, why repeatedly through life in every hardship we have. Even Jesus as a human cried out 'why' to His Father: Matt 27:46. Even Jesus as a temporary man on earth wasn't allowed all the answers, and He went through extreme hardship. And He took it like a man. Didn't complain, but asked why. He kept His love, turned the other cheek, and had great compassion on others. If Jesus Himself wasn't given the answers, why should we expect to? It even suggests this in the Bible that we won't be given all knowledge here. 1 Corinthians 2:7, Job 11:7, Colossians 2:1-3
I believe life here on earth is a test. God is testing our character and who we will follow. Often we fail badly. We have a sinful nature we must fight against. Some of the most rock solid Christians have admitted their constant struggles with it too, like Paul in the Bible. 2 Corinthians 12:9, James 1:2
So, why bother praying? God/Jesus is the only hope we have. We aren't puppets playing a script, but have freewill. God sometimes answers prayer and can change His mind.
To answer your questions properly, we must first know that God is neither the Author of sin, nor the tempter of mankind to sin. James 1:13-15: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
So, to your passages. Clearly in the second passage ( 1 Chronicles 21:1), Satan is said to have "provoked" David to sin by numbering Israel. Yet 2 Samuel 24:1 speaks of the LORD having provoked David. To make sense of this, we can also recall Exodus 7:13,14 (& others verses like it), where "God hardened Pharaoh's heart" refusing to let the Israelites leave Egypt. We can also look at Job 1:9-12, where God gave Satan permission over Job's family & possessions. In both Scriptures, God doesn't incite or cause one to do evil, but brings about a situation where He removes His absolute control. And we can say the same for ourselves: when confronted with a situation to sin, God can either prevent us from committing sin or allow us to determine what we will do with it - we have a mind (& the Holy Spirit, if we're believers), to choose our path.
When we bring those two passages together, we see that God "moved David". God did not force him to do wrong, but steered him in that direction of decision & allow his better judgement to not pursue such sin. Even Joab warned David about doing this & later David realized that he had done wrong, his heart was smitten & he repented (v10). With Job also, Job did nothing wrong, but God allowed Satan license to provoke Job to sin - but unlike David, Job did not. Satan is our enemy to entice us to sin - not God - God allows the tests - we have to choose rightly.
Thank you Brother's and Sister's in Christ that we can share our needs and pray for each other in Christ name. May the Lord bless everyone and bring us all to a closer walk with our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Praying for our President, Congress, Judicial Branch and all in authority. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4
Hebrews 12:2
James 1:2-4
John 14:2
Revelations 21:4
1 Corinthians 6:3
Hopefully it's helpful & encouraging.
1 Cor 10:13; James 1: 2-5
In this time of our government's inability to give stability and trust to our people, let us continue to call on the Lord and follow hard on His wisdom and guidance to come through this pandemic and economic disaster. 2 Chronicles 7: 14, 15
I pray for our President Joe Biden and all his advisors to come to salvation in Christ Name, and there by be able to govern wisely and righteously. I pray for the churches of the saints to continue to preach the gospel and take the battle to the front and "...and some have compassion, making a difference...pulling them out of the fire..."
Jude 22, 23
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our cries.
October 4, 2021
I will try answering your question best as I can through scripture:
1 John 1:9
Matthew 6:14
James 1:5
Hopefully these scriptures are helpful.
Romans 8:3
Isaiah 53
John 3:16
1 Peter 2:22
Hebrews 4 the chapter
Hebrews 4:15
Hopefully these are helpful :)
2 Corinthians 4:17
Hebrews 11:25
James 5:10
Isaiah 48:10
Psalms 22:24
James 1:27
Hopefully these are helpful
Part I Gospel of the kingdom =
Gospel of the circumcision ( Galatians 2:7; Acts 3:25-26; Genesis 17:9-14)
Preached by John, Jesus, and the 12 ( Matthew 3:2; Matthew 4:17; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 10:5-8)
The Prophecy Program for the Jews ( Luke 1:32-33; Luke 3:19-26; Daniel 2:44; James 1:1)
Preaching of The Cross as historical ( Acts 2:23,36; Acts 3:14-15; Acts 5:30)
Gospel to be believed = Christ's Name ( Matthew 16:16; John 20:31; 1 John 5:13)
Salvation by faith and water baptism ( Mark 1-4; Mark 16:16; Luke 7:29-30; Acts 2:38)
Justification without works is dead ( James 2:17; James 2:20; James 2:24; James 2:26)
Repentance emphasized along with faith ( Mark 1:15; Luke 3:8-14; Acts 3:19)
Reconciliation not mentioned.
Covers Matthew - Acts 8, then Tribulation ( Acts 3:19-21; Acts 8:12; Matthew 24:14)
Under The Law ( Matthew 5:17; Matthew 8:4; Matthew 23:2-3)
Good works will follow salvation ( Matthew 7:15-20; 1 John 2:3-5; 1 John 2:29; 1 John 3:7,10)
Rightly Divided From ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From "Things That DIFFER!":
Gospel Of GRACE
to be continued...
What if the Jewish tradition never existed, what if the prophets were never recorded in the old testament? Their would be know need for A PROMISE TO BE FULFILLED! As a matter of fact there would be no sin that would separate us from God! There would be no need for a law!
The lives of the tribes have been reserved for mankind's learning. Beginning with Moses! They have recorded and saved all of it! Being delivered from slavery, with Moses as their guide. they continue on until now!
Through all the ups and downs, the troubles, the joys , the idea that God was the reason, and that A righteous King would be born unto them, even now is what we look for! Now Christ comes along and covers all that has been said and done. Fills every jot and tittle. Crosses every t and dots every I. In fact the king was born! He was here, and they rejected Him!
To understand the Judaic traditions would be a big help in understanding the relationship, of the law and gospel and what they mean to one another. Terms like circumcision. Born again, redemption, sanctification ,justification. The deeper man goes into his own works, believing something else, the further from the understanding of these things become!
We justify everything we do, that is the danger in believing we are right in a certain thing. That thing is called the works of the law. Soon there will be no law. Then we will understand what it means, when it is gone! Then the word Christian may become only a vapor of the past! Then they will say ,how can these things be?