This was a moment of great faith by this man condemned to crucifixion with our Lord. It highlights the fact that anyone at anytime who BELIEVES and has FAITH in Jesus as the Christ...the Son of the Living redeemable. That should be wonderful news to everyone. Blessed are those who believe!
The thief that said this to Jesus, was doing exactly what Romans 10 9 says! He acknowledged who Jesus was, and believed in his heart. He confessed With his mouth! The other thief refused to believe unless The Lord Took Himself off of the cross, and take them down with Him. ......... That would have been nice, wouldn 't it!?! But the thief that believed, Is is Paradise with The Lord, from that day forward! How wonderful that Would be!! Hallelujah!!
you know when someone do something wrong to me I wish that I would remember to say FATHER forgive them for thy know not what they do instead of saying something that I have no business saying, FATHER help me to be more like you.
l observed that Joseph and Mary as a customary manner preparing for the sabbath. Eventually had prepared for the Lords ' resurrection. Is what I find in Luke23 50 56
28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. 29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. 30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us and to the hills, Cover us. 31 For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? Why would anyone want to make the words of Christ be for anyone or any purpose other than what he spoke that they meant. When we all know more innocent children have died from abortion than at any time in the history of the world. Jesus knew this day would come and couldn 't die without warning the women of the world of what men would push them to do.
Jesus stated no one takes my life, I lay it down, and if I lay it down I will take it up again. Jesus never lost control, even when He was on the cross. When He decided to give up the ghost was when he died. If I am not mistaken, crucifixion was not instant death. That is seen when we look at the two thieves. Scripture stated none of His bones would be broken. He stayed alive long enough to make sure Mary was taken care of, save the thief next to him, quote scripture, etc. all before the sabbath was upon them. When he gave up the ghost, there was no reason for his legs to be broken. Jesus giving up the ghost signified his dominion over death, even while He was on the cross. The thieves lived longer, therefore, their bones were broken.
On verse 30 and 31 when He says then shall they begin to say on to mountains Fall on us and on hills Cover us He is simply refering to the great tribulation period where unsaved people will suffer the wrath of God then He continues to say if they do those things in green tree what shall be done in dry tree The green tree is the tribulation priod the dry tree is the huge pit of fire in hell where they will burn for ever and ever
Jesus said "don't weep for me weep for yourselves" because these women were crying, not as believers but because what they saw the condition Jesus was in, it saddened them. Jesus was refering to how much worse it would be for them in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. A slow miserable death that included starvation where some would actually eat there own children, that it would be better if they did not have any children at all or elsewhere He said better to be killed by the sword than starvation. He also referenced judgment day and the suffering they would endure then. Jesus endured great suffering because of these people who rebelled against Him but did not want His blood on their hands. They told the Romans that He claimed to be King of the Jews and that was in direct opposition to their King Caesar. They insisted the Romans condem Him under their law which they knew included the severe form of punishment learned and adopted from the barbarians, crucifition. They would have to endure more than He, so were to weep for themselves. Thank you.
No, We are not going to heaven. According to this: Matthew 5:5 — Meek Inherit the Earth.
Adam and Eve was supposed to live forgive on this Earth in Pardise and be fruit and have a children but they failed and disobey in the name of God.
He said he promised for righteous and unrighteous to live here forever and removed the wick of the system of things. Wait a minute.. Unrighteous too ? Yes.. Here: The book goes on to say—“But why will Jesus permit a man who was a criminal to live in Paradise?
Acts 24:15: I have a hope in God (a hope that these men themselves accept too) that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Luke 23:42 42 And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
Other criminal insulted Jesus will not come with him in Paradise at all.
So that the unrighteous will have an opportunity to prove that he love God in new Earth right here. Yes, for one thousand years.
God has a name. Jesus said: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified” Matthew 6:9.
The father has a name. Go to your bible and you will be shock even your churches a false churches do not taught God's name. God and Lord is the subjects! PSALM 83:18 -- His name is what ? Yes, JEHOVAH!
@danny Jesus told one of the thieves in luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
So yes Christ saved one of the thieves that day. As for the cross being a T or a tree...I believe there is history of the Romans using both so I am not sure which Christ was crucified on.
Jesus said unto thy hands i hand over my spirit before he died. When he died Jesus the Christ and the repented robber promised paradise went straight back to heaven.
“And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise”.
Today refers to the very moment Jesus was speaking, but the promise of meeting in paradise was only for the future.
Because just in verse 46 of same chapter, “Jesus gave up the ghost” meaning he died. And could only come back to life three days and three nights later.
So there was no way both could meet in paradise, because both died.
That’s what it says.
God bless you.
Luke 23:43, And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. What is the meaning of this verse: How would I be able to teach this verse in bible study.
What was the original definition of Iewes and what year did it first appear in the bible? Also, why did the translators mistranslate the word as that is not what Pontius Pilate wrote? I feel that this is the most offensive verse in the bible because. Our Savior is the King of the Yehudim (Judeans) YeYeshua HaNazarei v Melech HaYehudim. And the word Jew was a vulgar English slang word that didn't appear till the 18th Century and Pilate was speaking of the country from which Yeshua was decent of not Jews. I have looked at it in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. It breaks my heart to think that hated of the Hebrews so confused Christians to accept that Yeshua (Jesus) was ever King of the Jews. That is like saying he is King of the children of lies. Do you see why I find this so offensive to Our Lord and Savior? Yes I would like to understand why all the learned scholars have been unable to see their error.
My opinion in this, about the green and dry tree is this; in Matthew 19:3-12, some Pharisees approached him to test him, they asked; is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on any grounds. Verse 4, haven’t you read, he replied that he who created them in the beginning, made them male and female. Verse 5, he also said: for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. Verse 6, so they are no longer two but one flesh, therefore what God has joined together man must not separate. Verse 7, why then, they ask him did Moses command us to give divorce papers, and to send her away. Verse 8, he told them, Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because of the hardness of your hearts, but it was not like that from the beginning: Verse 9, and I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except, for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. Verse 10, his disciples said to him, if the relationship of a man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry. Verse 11, but he told them, not everyone can accept this saying? But only those it has been given to. Verse 12, for there are eunuchs, who were born that way from their mothers’ womb, there are eunuchs who were made by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves that way because of the kingdom of heaven, let anyone accept this who can. In Luke 23-27-29, the women were following Jesus as he was going to the cross they were mourning and lamenting him but turning to them, Jesus said daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and your children. Verse 29, look, the days are coming when they say, blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed; Isaiah said in 54:1-rejoice oh barren one, you who have not been in labor, for the children of the forsaken one will be more than the children of the married woman, says the Lord. Geneses 3:16, he said to the woman: I will intensify your labor pains: you will bear children: in Isaiah 56:3, no foreigner who has converted to the Lord should say, the Lord will exclude me from his people, and the eunuch should not say look, I am a dried up tree. Look on verses 4, I will give them, in my house and within my walls, a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters, I will give them a forever lasting name, this my thought on Luke 23:31. Jesus is talking about a woman, or man that can’t produce of their seed, if a women has children, she is fruitful green tree if not she could be a dry tree; or a eunuch can’t produce some eunuchs. When some men decide not to marry could be considered? God bless you women and men that can bear this.
@Susan Dalton,
1. War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
2. It has been said that war is God's judgment of sin here on earth and hell (not Hades) is God's judgment of sin hereafter;
3. War and violence will be continuous on earth until the prince of peace stops it after the white throne judgment ( Revelation 20:15) when eternity begins.
@ Wilsom Mungai,
1. The time of salvation is the moment a person calls upon and receives the lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior ( Romans 10:9-13);
2. Easter is a Babylonian pagan ritual from the pagan Astaroth ( Deuteronomy 1:4);
3. A bible believing Christian should never refer to the resurrection day as Easter;
4. My question is what does the rabbit and egg have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
The righteous are remembered at the moment of salvation ( 2 Corinthians 6:2), just as we are known by God at the moment of conception ( Jeremiah 1:5).
Truth is independent of opinion and by its definition, it is intolerant of error. Notice the way the malefactor; Lord remember me when you come in your kingdom, which shows that he(thief) understood how the righteous are saved according to Jesus teachings. So righteous people are remembered at the Second Advent, not at the point of their death. It is therefore good to suit an individual's opinion as many do. If the scripture is read without a prayerful and humble heart, the simplest passage can be misunderstood. I thank of you people who have decided to carefully search the scriptures in prayer and humility. 2 Peter 3:15-18.
On verse 26 - Barabbas (means son of the father) was released instead of Jesus. In John 18:40, Barabbas is called a robber; Luke 23:25, Barabbas is called a murderer and sedition (rebellion against authority); Mark 15:15, Barabbas is accused of insurrection. But Pilate like most politicians, had a poll taken of the most likely voters, and wanting to please the people, released Barabbas; a known murderer, robber, and rebellion against authority over a known innocent man (not much has changed in 2000 years in politics). As for the 2 thieves on the cross along with Jesus, one thief repented and went to be with Jesus in paradise and the other went to hell because he repented not ( Luke 23:39-43). Question? Do you know the difference between paradise and the 3rd heaven? And which one is where those that die in Christ go now?
It appears from the comments that reasoning persons are wondering whether the meaning of the word 'today' and/or the punctuation, may have been lost in translation. The answer is that there was no punctuation in the original Greek Bible manuscripts. Further, 'today' could not have meant that very day, since Jesus himself was not raised up until the third day and during that three-day period, he was not in heaven, because following his resurrection he told Mary Magdalene: "I have not yet ascended to the Father." ( John 20:17). It was 40 days later that he ascended. Jesus was preaching the hope of resurrection. The book of Revelation, written about 63 years after the statements in Luke were made, indicates that these events, including the resurrection, were still in the future. For more information, please contact your local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Please take the scriptures at his word. See Matthew 9:5-6 and Luke 23:43 "today" simply means that, that is when the statement was made, that day. Paradise also includes the Garden of Eden, (earthly restoration of the kingdom) Jesus is a spirit being; (born out of the spirit, is “spirit". John 3:6 after a spiritual church is complete, the earth, and the "thief" will be resurrected to a physical condition; understand and repent and be nourished to a perfect physical condition! No limited "physical" church can accomplish this! It has been tried, see 1Corinthians15:50 "kingdom", equals the government.. Revelation 22:1; 22:17.
My research shows only concern for either Paradise or the location of a comma. Am I the only one who sees the question being asked here? Jesus said "SHALT THOU"? Shall You? If He was making a statement He would have said "THOU SHALT" or You Shall/Will be with me. First of all no one was "Saved" until the day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost was poured out. This lie about the thief being saved on the cross has led to the "death bed prayers" among evangelicals and allows the lost to postpone their commitment to Christ and gives them a license to continue in their sinful ways. Then have a death bed experience like the thief and think they're going to heaven. The new birth is "Born Again" of the water (baptism) and the spirit (Holy Spirit infilling), this happened on the day of Pentecost and 5000 were "saved". And the church grew from that point (read the book of Acts, that is the beginning of the church).
Adam and Eve was supposed to live forgive on this Earth in Pardise and be fruit and have a children but they failed and disobey in the name of God.
He said he promised for righteous and unrighteous to live here forever and removed the wick of the system of things. Wait a minute.. Unrighteous too ? Yes.. Here: The book goes on to say—“But why will Jesus permit a man who was a criminal to live in Paradise?
Acts 24:15: I have a hope in God (a hope that these men themselves accept too) that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Luke 23:42 42 And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
Other criminal insulted Jesus will not come with him in Paradise at all.
So that the unrighteous will have an opportunity to prove that he love God in new Earth right here. Yes, for one thousand years.
God has a name. Jesus said: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified” Matthew 6:9.
The father has a name. Go to your bible and you will be shock even your churches a false churches do not taught God's name. God and Lord is the subjects! PSALM 83:18 -- His name is what ? Yes, JEHOVAH!
So yes Christ saved one of the thieves that day. As for the cross being a T or a tree...I believe there is history of the Romans using both so I am not sure which Christ was crucified on.
“And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise”.
Today refers to the very moment Jesus was speaking, but the promise of meeting in paradise was only for the future.
Because just in verse 46 of same chapter, “Jesus gave up the ghost” meaning he died. And could only come back to life three days and three nights later.
So there was no way both could meet in paradise, because both died.
That’s what it says.
God bless you.
1. War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
2. It has been said that war is God's judgment of sin here on earth and hell (not Hades) is God's judgment of sin hereafter;
3. War and violence will be continuous on earth until the prince of peace stops it after the white throne judgment ( Revelation 20:15) when eternity begins.
1. The time of salvation is the moment a person calls upon and receives the lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior ( Romans 10:9-13);
2. Easter is a Babylonian pagan ritual from the pagan Astaroth ( Deuteronomy 1:4);
3. A bible believing Christian should never refer to the resurrection day as Easter;
4. My question is what does the rabbit and egg have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
The righteous are remembered at the moment of salvation ( 2 Corinthians 6:2), just as we are known by God at the moment of conception ( Jeremiah 1:5).
On verse 26 - Barabbas (means son of the father) was released instead of Jesus. In John 18:40, Barabbas is called a robber; Luke 23:25, Barabbas is called a murderer and sedition (rebellion against authority); Mark 15:15, Barabbas is accused of insurrection. But Pilate like most politicians, had a poll taken of the most likely voters, and wanting to please the people, released Barabbas; a known murderer, robber, and rebellion against authority over a known innocent man (not much has changed in 2000 years in politics). As for the 2 thieves on the cross along with Jesus, one thief repented and went to be with Jesus in paradise and the other went to hell because he repented not ( Luke 23:39-43). Question? Do you know the difference between paradise and the 3rd heaven? And which one is where those that die in Christ go now?
And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. ( Luke 23:43)
So when exactly was the malefactor baptized?
Either the Lord is wrong or you are.