Discuss Revelation 22 Page 4

  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Interestingly this site has the 1611 version. It doesn't include that book. However I've heard of a version approximately 150+ years later that may have included that book. Is that a book added to scripture as warned about? Deuteronomy & Revelation 22:19,

    By simple surface study, it seems not to be in the Bible before or after & debated as not GOD's WORD.

    I myself stay away from it because some things I've heard say in it, contradict Bible scripture. If you're in question read Tobit in 1611, Philippians 2, Romans 8:14, Hebrews 1:13,14, Matthew 22:30,

    I humbly recommend to you, please read the Word within Genesis to Revelation, study get to know the scriptures well, ask for wisdom James 1:5 & discerment of Truth before looking into the other, if you do at all

    Hopefully these are helpful in your searching
  • Gladys on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Thank you, brother, for bringing the Word of God to Turtle Island
  • Ruben - 2 years ago
    If you would please pray for The LORD to help me through the trials and tribulations that I am going through (Psalm34:19-20, Psalm 3, Psalm 5, Psalm 18, Psalm 144) If you would pray that The LORD would protect and deliver me from The Devil and my enemies ( Psalm 35, Psalm 59, 2 Thess 3:2). Also that The LORD would fight them, and expose their schemes against me and bring them to nought ( Exodus 14:14, Psalm 24:8, Psalm 33:10). Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs ( Philippians 4:19). Also, please pray for healing for my backsliding, body, mind, soul and spirit ( Exodus 15:26, Hosea 14:1-4, Jeremiah 3:22) . Please pray that The LORD turns my life situation around like he did for Job ( Job 42:10, James 5:11). Thank you and God bless you ( Revelation 22:21).
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Robo, how certain do you feel about this?

    Have you considered Revelation 21:6-7? God the Father appears to also say He's the Alpha and Omega and He says "I will be his God, and he shall be my son."

    Also, besides Revelation 22:13 Jesus saying He's first and last, God the Father also says he's first and last in Isaiah 48:12.

    Also peculiar is how Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is called "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father."

    I think its likely that the 3 are more 'one' than separate. There is only one God and we're talking about micro separations or personalities within the one God. And the most separation that occurred was temporarily when the Son transformed into a temporary man. This is where Jesus prayed to the Father, but people make inferences and draw assumptions based on that as if that's status quo, when in reality it's not. The Son is a spirit (not a man) that has always been John 1:1-3 and is one with the Father. I think many times God or LORD is used in the Bible is likely talking about the Godhead or trinity. That is why it says 'we' and 'us' plural.
  • Alister Said - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 22:16

    Christ is the bright and morning star and before him his angel sent to testify to the congregations.

    Repentance is for all mankind.

    Woe unto them that fail to follow instruction.

    Voice your choice

    Be Free
  • Dr. Lyle Lee on Mark 1 - 2 years ago
    The Lord Jesus taught two different gospels in vs. 14-15 all Christians are familiar with the gospel that brings about salvation by faith without works, but most Christians are not familiar with the gospel of the kingdom by faith with works. The main message of the apostles while the Lord Jesus was alive was the gospel of the kingdom, Mat. 10:7-8 they never preached the message of the gospel as long as Christ was alive, yet the Lord Jesus taught both gospels while he was alive. Christ Jesus dying on a cross for the sins of the world, causes the sinner to become a Christian, on the day of salvation his spirit enters the kingdom of God, during the first dispensation from the time the Son of man died on the cross, until the Son of man returns. However, the next dispensation which is for a millennium, no Christian has a promise to enter unless he meets the conditional promises spoken of by the Lord Jesus and the apostles. Mat. 7:21, Acts 14:22, Mat. 5:10 After the second dispensation has ended, the new heaven begins with the final dispensation of the kingdom of God, not all Christians will be able to enter that kingdom of God if they have buried their talents, Mat. 25:14-30 or they do not have on a wedding garment, but only those believers who received glorification as all others will be outside that kingdom of God, the city New Jerusalem as dogs, needing the leaves from the tree of life for the healing of the nations. Revelation 22:2 and 14-15
  • T Levis - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 22:19, Deuteronomy 4:2,
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Hello Mark, congratulations on such a remarkable name!

    Knowing the gospel truths, I am convinced would take more than a life time! If however these truths are lived in, we will say in the end, it is nothing less than the love of Gods word towards man!

    Thank you for your earnest honor in the knowledge of these things that can only come from heaven!

    In Christ, Fred
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Sally Quinn,

    Great you're reading the Bible! Romans 10:17, 2Timothy 2:15,

    James 1:5,

    Genesis 1:26,27, compare to; John 1:1-4, Job 38,

    One GOD: 1Timothy 2:5, Galatians 3:20,

    Food in Heaven = Psalms 78:24,25, Revelation 22:2, Luke 22:16, Matthew 26:29, Revelation 19:9, Luke 14:16-24,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Levi - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Good to know you Mark, Praise God !
  • MARK JOSEPH MCDONALD on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    I mark joseph mcdonald have taken many years too read this book word by word sentence by sentence paragraph by paragraph and have not added to the words or taken away from the words or prohpecies of this book from beginning too the end. i started with the very opening statments and have done so with all my heart with all my spirit that father god our great creator has given my soul with his word too do. i believe with all my heart mind body soul love and life and strength that jesus christ is truly the son of god he came from father god of heaven too teach us all and too show us all a better way too live and too love one another through his father and from the word of life through our lord jesus christ forever and forever amen.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lies & deceit : Leviticus 19:11, Psalms 5:6, Psalms 55:23, Psalms 58:3, Psalms 63:11, Psalms 101:7, Proverbs 6:16-19, Proverbs 19:5,9, Jeremiah 9:3-9, Isaiah 59, Micah 6, Colossians 3:9, Revelation 21, Revelation 22:15,

    Relevant today : Ezekiel 13:22,23

    Acts 5:1-10 in context Acts 4:32-37, continued into Acts 5,

    Wisdom about : Proverbs 14:5-25, Proverbs 29:12, John 8:42-44 in context John 8,

    Psalms 40:4, Isaiah 63:8, Zephaniah 3:13,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sorcery : 1Samuel 15:23, 2Chronicles 33:6, Galatians 5:19-21, Isaiah 47:9-15, Isaiah 57:3-21, Malachi 3:5, Acts 8:9-24, Acts 13:6-8, Revelation 9:20,21, Revelation 18:23,24, Revelation 21:7,8, Revelation 22:12-15, read all in context

    I guess it can be described as simple opposition to GOD, "rebellion is as witchcraft " leading into much worse.

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Concluding thoughts continued in Rev. 22

    Therefore; many may be genuinely shocked when the Lord says that He never knew them and they ask for entrance into heaven. ( Matt. 7:21). Sadly; many never will know the depths of their own depravity until they enter hell; surely then they will know how helpless they are; although there will be no love and appreciation for a Holy God. The biggest message I can see here is that we must in this life be saved; as well as love God. Mankind in his natural state can fear God but cannot love Him; nor Christ who the Father sent to die in our place. All believers are called to share in the sufferings of Christ; and to bear their own cross daily. ( Romans 8:17; Matt. 16:24). Only believers can understand being part of the Body of Christ and fellowship of the saints. ( 1 John 1:3 and many other passages). We must die to ourselves daily ( Galatians 2:20). This involves selfless acts; but also has to have a heart change ( Ezekiel 36:26). To be drawn to the light is the state of those who He has called to be His children and chosen ( John 3:21).

    As my last commentary stated; we are not to worry about whether we are elected by God; at least as some curiousity or intellectual concept. Our responsibility is ultimately ours to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5). His Spirit communes with our spirit to show us if we are of God ( Romans 8:16).

    Verses 18 through 19 reminds us of the seriousness of God's Word. No other religions or other writings that change the Word of God or create another method of salvation; another Christ etc. are to be tolerated (See Galatians 1:8). Such a reverent fear of God's Word today is sorely lacking. Many probably don't believe these things are really going to be this bad; sadly a former Pastor of mine used to have these thoughts when reading the Book of Isaiah. If the rich man in hell is any example; no one there will be grateful for our lackluster witness here now.
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Revelation 22 concluding thoughts

    Once more in verses 11 and 15 we see how the state of a person remains for all eternity; either in Christ and entirely dead to the old self and in heaven; or else remaining in a sinful state no doubt punished for the specific severity depending on what types of sins are being judged.

    There is no room for lingering on any aspects of this life; as heaven will be paved with gold. There is truly joy to service which those not in Christ cannot comprehend. It will no doubt be fellowship of the saints that moves beyond male/female and all barriers that the cares of this life tend to separate us from now.

    The focus of verse 18 and 19 are what I would like to focus this study on. The first verse warns of anyone adding to the prophecy that God will add the plagues in this book. Since that involves anything in the seal; trumpet or vial judgments it may allow for some hope of repentance. The next verse; however indicates a name being removed from the book of life for those who take something out of it. This is the only verse in the Bible warning of direct response of taking someone out of the book of life. ( Exodus 32:33). The earlier verse in Revelation 3:5 shows someone NOT taken out of the book.

    Personally; I would tend to think this would refer to the book of all the living on earth who; when lost are not able to retain it and thus enter the book of life in the first place. Therefore they die the second death. This would mean; of course that potentially everyone can come to Christ and it sort of decimates the idea of the doctrine of election. Frankly I had never paid much attention to this verse before. Furthermore the specific actions of meddling with God's Word is a specific way such an individual reveals their turning from whatever their conscience dictates to a delusion (see Romans 1; Psalm 19). However you slice it no one who messes with God's Word should be surprised by His judgments.
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 19 - 2 years ago
    The first few verses describe as chapter 18 did the destruction of the city of Babylon "the great whore" (v. 2). Verse 7 talks about the marriage of the Lamb; with the wedding supper in verse 9. The scene in front of the throne here as well as the timing seem almost identical to what we see in Revelation 5. We need to keep in mind that not everyone will be present wearing the garments of white until the last saint appears in heaven; so this likely shows the Resurrection of all the Tribulation saints along with the church who were raised 7 years before. This brings in mind the parable of the Ten Virgins and associated verses as to the reference both to the Second Coming and Rapture. We need to remember that Israel itself isn't as a nation going to repent until the final destruction on Israel where half of the city is taken in Zechariah 14:2. Just because the Tribulation saints aren't in the dispensation of the church where the Spirit works within the Body as at present; that doesn't exclude the rest of the believers from being members of a corporate Body who all need white garments of righteousness. (Verse 8). All true saints; therefore must bring forth fruit. God may deem martyrdom necessary to procure that; particularly in the days when Christ will be known to all and seen by the world (once again; indicated by the scene in Rev. 6:16-17. John 20:26-29 shows those who have NOT seen are blessed; and the Rapture certainly would be a reward in that sense.

    Verse 10 also brings up a theme repeated in Revelation 22:9 where he tries to worship someone other than God (in the other case an angel). This should cause us to take pause to realize that the glorified bodies of the saints will be quite overwhelming.

    The rest of the chapter; of course relates to the Second Coming of Christ and the immediate victory He has over the armies of the earth. More on that in the next post.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Usually I believe the Believe states when it's wrong & when it's worship.

    Exodus 34:14, Matthew 4:10, John 4:23,24,

    Daniel 8:17,18, Daniel 10:9, Daniel 10:15-19,

    Wrongly : 1Kings 12:30, Acts 18:13, Revelation 19:10, Revelation 22:8,9,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Samuel 15:23, 2Chronicles 33:6-11, Galatians 5:16-24,

    Isaiah 47:9-15, Malachi 3:5, Acts 8:9-24, Revelation 9:20,21, in context Revelation 9:15-21, Revelation 18:23, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15, in Context Revelation 22,

    James 1:5,

    Hopefully these help
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Being disrespectful IS walking in Gods love? Whatever lol !
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Thank you! "With all due respect" tops the list of rude phrases

    Are you really showing respect when you say "With all due respect?" That phrase topped the list of rude phrases and words. Why it is disrespectful? What invariable follows that phrase is a negative attack.

    It is rare when a positive statement is made following "With all due respect." As a result, when this phrase is used, the other party becomes immediately defensive and irritated.

    A vicious attack-defense spiral has been initiated that is difficult to break though. It you want to disagree, first acknowledge what the other party has said, make sure you have clarification and then state why you disagree. Using "With all due respect" draws the conversation away from a goal of reaching agreement because the emotions get in the way of problem solving.

    Thank you Henry, and Jessie!
  • Henry - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Luke. With all due respect before Revelation begins which is the judgement

    Of Jesus Christ or wrath against all unbelief of which the Church Epistles state

    That we who are born again are saved from because we are God's Sons and Daughters in Christ and our sins are paid for so Christ will come for His Church

    First. Also In defence of the truth for someone to state that another brother is

    Being Influenced by Satan or controlled mentally is extremely out of walking in God's Love and not judging correctly spiritually. Our first priority is to walk in

    Agapeo renewed mind love also according to Corinthians 13:5 The love of God

    Thinketh no evil just because someone doesn't agree with what you see biblically

    Doesn't make them spiritually screwed up, we who believe fight for each other

    Not against.
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    It's your ship, you're the captain, sail on brother, you say you did read my breakdown, and you still poked the bear? Why is it you can express your opinion, but take issue when I express mine, knowing that I disagree, you didn't want to have a discussion then, but you want to poke now?

    That Is my opinion, The Rapture doctrine is a soul hunt designed to steal souls, it doesn't matter if you got Christ in you now, when a person worships the devil he dies a spiritual death, he is no longer a Christian, he's a devil worshiper,,, you aint the first person I've had the discussion with, and you wont be the last,,,
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago

    You're the one taking issue, I disagreed, then gave my opinion on the rapture,,,simmer down.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago

    You say that I "have been conditioned/programmed into worshiping Satan when he arrives on the scene?" That would be impossible since I have the Spirit of Christ in me. I am under the influence and persuasion of God's Spirit. Satan no longer has control over me. Please let me respectfully say that I am perfectly fine with you disagreeing with me. Really, I am. If you do not believe in a rapture, I have no issue with you. I do believe in the rapture so why would you have an issue with me for believing in the rapture? I guess we will just have to remain in disagreement. I respect your belief, and you should respect mine. And by the way, I did read your "breakdown" of 1 Thessalonians 4:14. All I can say in response to your breakdown is that I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong!
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago

    I Emphatically disagree with you,,, had you read my "For what it's worth" post, or replied to it, you could have learned something.

    So to be clear, "with all due respect" The Rapture is a soul hunt, you are helping to program people into believing Christ comes first when He does NOT,,, you have been conditioned/programmed into worshiping Satan when he arrives on the scene FIRST with this Rapture doctrine, Had you read my breakdown of 1 Thessalonians 4:17. You guy's are doing exactly what Paul said NOT to do in His 2nd letter to the Thessalonians, Sir
  • Alex N - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Jesse the Kingdom of God is gonna be with in us....Not up in the clouds...Rev.11:15 The Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our LORD and his Christ and he will reign for ever and ever...Right here on this earth....As Jesus said the Kingdom of God is gonna be with in you...Not here or there but with in you...If we were caught up in the air it wd expose womans nakedness...And God does not want that....And the manchild will rule all nations right here on this earth...As Jesus said thy kingdom come thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven...We don't need to go any where....The Kingdom is coming to earth...via the seed of the sower sown in mans hearts.

    Remember Jesus said the Kingdom of God will come as a man who sows seed in his field....Then he tells us our hearts are the Field where that good seed will be sown...John was caught up to God and to his throne....But his body was still on the isle of PATMOS....And Paul writes to some who were already sitting in heavenly places with Christ Jesus....You are come unto mt. Zion the city of the living God that heavenly Jerusalem...But their bodies had not gone anywhere....Simply b/c the Kingdom was within them...So when ya talk about some are gona be taken and some are gonna be left...Its in the spirit...As the Kingdom of God is spirit...In the air is just symbolic of in the spirit...On the day of Pentecost that mighty rushing wind was the spirit the H.G....They didn't need to go anywhere to receive it...It was a baptism of the H.G. Right here on this earth....The Promise..ok Gbu
  • Henry - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Jesse. More of a fly to or with than by and no wings woopeee!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago

    With all due respect sir, "Caught up to meet Him" is not called a "fly by." It is what many believers call the rapture of the church. It will not be a bad day for those who believe in the rapture. The bad day will be for those who are left behind!
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    It's going to be a real bad day for those who think Christ is going to do a fly by.
  • Luke - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Yes Indeed, the brightness of His coming will be so bright that it will blot out even the Sun AND the Stars, Praise God.

    It's the (Caught up) to meet Him tis the part am referring to in which many misinterpret, it's good to see You don't, and it's good to know U, don't, Honey.

    Rev 22 IS a fantastic chapter, Praise God.

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